Many patients present complain they look tired and sad because of their hollow cheeks. Once this is addressed the whole face changes shape giving a much softer, youthful appearance and quite often no other treatment is required.

Enhancement is achieved using products such as Emervel VOLUME and DEEP, and Restylane Sub Q. They are also used to restore facial balance, symmetry and augment normal facial features, e.g., flat cheeks, hollowed temples and weak chins.

Chins can naturally look weak and under-formed. Another common and often complained about condition in this area is the ‘jowled’ appearance, or indents on the sides of the chin, a condition that is commonly referred to as prejowl sulcus.

Advanced dermal fillers like Emervel Volume and Restylane Sub-Qcan be painlessly injected to correct these problems creating a stronger, more defined chin and less prominent jowls.

The result is immediate, lasting 12 – 24 months and there is virtually no down-time with usually very little, if any bruising.


From £200-1600

Stratford Dermatherapy Clinic

6 Mansell Street, Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6NR
Telephone: 01789 414289 Gateway to the Cotswolds.
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