Pelleve Video
My name is James Kitchen, I’m a Clinical aesthetician, from Stratford Upon Avon, England. And, I’ve been using radio frequency devices for the past six years. And, the results of which have been extremely promising.
Well, the treatment is a non-invasive treatment. There are no local anaesthetics required, there’s no needles, there’s no cutting. There’s no scar tissue.
The trend now a days is to go away from the surgical procedure. Nobody wants to be under the knife anymore. I think this is something which is going to take the cosmetic world by storm. Nobody really knows about this treatment at the moment. The results are astounding. There is an immediate off the table tightening which we could not do before.
Now we can literally iron out those wrinkles and we can raise the skin around the jowels. so that, it possible could make you look 10 years younger. The sort of patients that I see in my clinic, they want something different. They want something different and dramatic. The recommendation is that a patient has a treatment they want, and then has another treatment four weeks after that, because you do get a little bit of laxity coming in after the first treatment, and then the collagen starts to remodel, resynthesize, build up, and after a month, push it again.
So you want to look tighter in your face? You might, not get that with Pellevé, but certainly a certainly a slight lift would be expected. from this treatment. But you know, as I said before, if you do that and you see your friends, there gonna say, what have you had done? But, if you have a subtle change, subtle difference. They’re gonna say, wow, your looking fantastic.
And, you know, this is a remarkable treatment you can have done if you going to a wedding, if you’ve got a special event to go to….You want to look good you want to look great in front of your family and friends and this (Pellevé) is certainly going to provide that.